

Forget It Liu, It’s Lung Town -- Liu Hai Yan, a long-suffering resident of Lung Town, is frustrated at the ridiculous lengths that she must go to in order to fill her prescription in this neighbourhood of gangs and kung fu masters.Morning Routine -- A small slice of everyday life for a girl living in a silent city.
White Storm -- On a weather station in the upper atmosphere of Saturn, a scientist observes a storm that could shake the foundations of meteorology.A Prisoner's Dilemma -- Desperate not to end up just like his father, a felon struggles with what may turn out to be the worst decision of his life.
The Key of Allen -- The whims of humans have brought doom to the kingdom of Faen, but perhaps they already hold the Key to their salvation?


Blackened Hearts is a live action roleplaying (LARP) scenario for 8 to 15 players plus a Game Master (GM) that runs for approximately two and a half hours.

It is a fine day for larceny upon the high seas indeed! The Devil hisself must have blest the crew of the Black Kraken with his own luck—how else could it be that you would happen upon the fat Spanish treasure galleon the Urca de Lima, separated from her escort and crippled by one of the worst storms that ever scoured the ocean?

It’s been clear sailing all week all the way back to Tortuga and without much to do the crew’s been going stir-crazy. The Captain’s arranged for an early share of the loot to be divided, so those who aren’t needed to sail the ship are able to enjoy the rest of the evening with a little bit of early gambling and drinking. Everyone is in high spirits—all that’s left now is to enjoy the rest of the evening as you coast into port, and maybe swindle some of your fellows out of their share. Wait, what's all this about a curse?


A selection of excerpts from my published novels.

Prometheus' Daughter covert art Prometheus' Daughter covert art