
Matthew Karabache

Matthew Karabache is addicted to stories of all kinds, devouring those made up by others and creating his own with equal gusto. Mythology and folklore hold a special fascination for him and he plunders them for ideas and other riches like some sort of literary pirate. He has been writing for as long as he can remember and will continue to do so for ever and ever. You can’t stop him, so there. He lives in Brisbane, Australia.

My Team

I don’t know where I would be without my incredibly supportive team of other creatively-minded individuals that have helped me along my path — my editor, Nathan, and my artist, Yolanda.

Nathan Chester

Nathan Chester doesn’t normally refer to himself in the third person but will do so just this once for consistency with Matthew’s bio. Nathan is a former English and History teacher who now works in legislative editing and publishing; a field so narrow it’s really more of a nature strip. He loves photography, reading, writing, and helping other people with their book-babies. Requests for editing can be sent to nathan_chester@outlook.com. Pretty photos can be viewed on Nathan’s Instagram account, here.

Yolanda Kjaersgaard

Yolanda Kjaersgaard